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So far admin has created 18 blog entries.

Super, super, super foods

By | 2020-09-16T03:53:42+00:00 |Uncategorized|

Have you ever heard of superfoods?  You know, the foods Dr. Oz says are keys to improving your health? Yes, those ones.  Even though Dr. Oz doesn’t have the swag like he used to, he is right about superfoods. So what makes a food SUPER? Superfoods contain a very high “nutritional density.”  To put it

How Adele was able to lose 40 pounds

By | 2020-09-16T03:52:48+00:00 |Tips|

If you didn’t know, Adele lost a significant amount of weight—about 40 pounds.  She looks amazing, in case you haven’t seen her. Just because she’s famous, doesn’t mean she didn’t struggle to lose weight—just like you and me. She struggled. Her weight fluctuated and I am sure, at some points, she was ready to give

Start here to your ideal body

By | 2020-09-16T03:52:06+00:00 |Tips|

There are great transformation stories all around you. It could be a celebrity (like Adele), or it could be your neighbor or co-worker.  There are successes all around you. Do you know what they have in common? They all used age-defying methods to lose weight—and keep it off. Weight loss doesn’t have anything to do

How to crush it on a Monday

By | 2020-09-16T03:50:41+00:00 |Tips|

Do you hate Monday?  Is it hard to show up and get going? Have you ever asked yourself why? Hmmmmmm.  Think about it. It usually stems from some level of dread; job, drive time (pre quarantine), less weekend fun, anticipated stress, being around people you have to tolerate because you get paid to, etc. Most of these

Daily “Q” checklist to maintain your peace of mind

By | 2020-09-16T03:39:34+00:00 |Tips|

Are you settling into a new normal or holding on until things change back to a quasi-normal? We all know times like this can create stress, anxiety, worry, etc.  quite frankly, so can many other life events that disrupt our sense of normal. These are designed to help you do a couple of things: Stop and

Which one are you?

By | 2020-09-16T03:29:31+00:00 |Uncategorized|

I wanted to check in on you and how you are doing in total with the COVID-19 situation. We are all experiencing a disruption of life in some way.  But is it all negative? I say emphatically NO. When I hear people talking and read posts and see the negativity, I have to ask “where does the

Are you appreciating differently?

By | 2020-09-16T03:25:44+00:00 |Uncategorized|

I had a thought and maybe you had the same one: Before the quarantine, we were running everywhere, busy, busy, busy. Passing by our family and friends quickly as we all went different directions. Maybe even, “I will see them tomorrow, or later in the week”. Essentially, we were becoming less “humanly” connected. Sure, we text,

Monday mental wellness

By | 2020-09-16T03:22:21+00:00 |Tips|

I wanted to share a ‘Mental Monday Wellness’ tip to help you with the, oftentimes, difficult Monday focus. If you are like me, you wake up and your brain wants to run down the tracks in a bunch of different directions causing chaos, stress, and that lovely feeling of being overwhelmed first thing on Monday

Boost your immune system

By | 2020-09-16T03:20:56+00:00 |Tips|

My goal for you is to help create a healthy lifestyle.  So I’d like to focus on the immune system boosting and nutrition to stay healthy and fight colds, flu, and virus, etc. Your immune system is your most important armor and greatest defense against the evil germs. The amount of nutrition and supplement information out there is extensive,

Don’t gain holiday weight just because. Tips to ponder

By | 2020-09-16T03:18:47+00:00 |Tips|

Happy holidays and happy weight gain season – — well, actually, NO weight gain is happy. No doubt you are aware of the statistic, either by hearing it or experiencing it, every year people gain between 5 and 10 (or more) pounds of weight right now during the fat season (Halloween through New Years). Yikes!!! Why?? You work