Boost your immune system

My goal for you is to help create a healthy lifestyle.  So I’d like to focus on the immune system boosting and nutrition to stay healthy and fight colds, flu, and virus, etc. Your immune system is your most important armor and greatest defense against the evil germs.

The amount of nutrition and supplement information out there is extensive, which can be overwhelming and confusing. So, let’s keep it simple and focus on a couple of key items.

Vitamins C and E, and Omega 3 (that was smooth).  These all have immune-boosting and total health properties that your body needs to fight germs and generally stay well (I will skip the science here. If you want more, email me and we can discuss in-depth).

Here are a few quick food suggestions as a reminder, or to get you started on strengthening your armor:

Vitamin E

  • Sunflower Seeds – use on salads or as a snack by itself
  • Almonds – use for baking or snack on its own
  • Mango – 1 whole raw — great for smoothies
  • Avocado – 1 whole raw – Add to salads, tacos, or make a creative snack
  • Butternut Squash – 1 cup cooked makes a great addition to dinner
  • Broccoli – 1 cup cooked – salads, snacks, soup, so many uses

Vitamin C

  • Kiwi Fruit – great as fruit salad item or in smoothies
  • Bell Peppers – raw or cooked these are super tasty and nutritious
  • Orange – you knew I would include orange.  NOT orange juice!! Eat the orange
  • Strawberries – raw snacks, baked goods, smoothies, tons of uses
  • Broccoli – again the broccoli, who knew it was so nutrient-dense?
  • Brussels Sprouts – honestly not my favorite, but they pack in the nutrients

Omega-3 oils

  • Salmon Fish Oil – 1 tablespoon added to baking or on its own
  • Salmon Fish itself – great on salads or sushi
  • Walnuts – baking or as a snack
  • Chia Seeds – 1 tablespoon added to smoothies or cereal
  • Flaxseeds – 1 tablespoon ground added to smoothies or other baked items

I always include general vitamin and omega supplements to our family’s regimen also to keep our systems strong.

By | 2020-09-16T03:20:56+00:00 |Tips|